Revisiting the Positive Effects of the Pandemic in the Workplace

During challenging times, great leaders find themselves under intense pressure to perform, even when the odds are stacked against them.

In the wake of the omicron variant outbreak of Covid-19, paired with a rather uncertain economic outlook, times like these are when professionals are given the opportunity to demonstrate their resilience. The good news is, we are all more prepared than we realize.

If 2020 and 2021 taught us anything about the global workforce, then we should recognize how adaptive we can be. Terms like ‘induced innovation’ and ‘continuity’ epitomize the last 23 months for countless organizations, many of which relied on these traits to survive.

Leaders around the globe deserve a standing ovation, not only for mitigating the negative effects of the professional landscape, but also for finding opportunities to maximize the positive outcomes during unprecedented times. 

With that in mind, let us revisit some of the positive outcomes we’ve seen in the workplace, stemming from the pandemic.

More Employers Introducing Flexible Work Policies

The Great Resignation era is here, and we know the pandemic has shifted employee perspectives about remote work. Consequently, employers are rapidly rolling out new flexible work policies to reduce employee turnover and attract talent. 

While there are pros and cons to the virtual work environment, research has shown that employees working off-site 60 to 80 percent of the time are the most engaged. On top of that, over 50 percent of office workers say they would leave their current job in favor of one that offers more flexibility.

Digital Connectivity at an All-Time High

In the absence of face-to-face interactions among office workers, managers quickly tapped into their digital resources to maintain healthy work practices. Among those digital resources is video conferencing tools like Microsoft Teams, whose usage surged shortly after the start of the pandemic.

Hats off to employers and employees both for embracing new systems and learning how to make the most of the virtual work environment.  

Companies Keep Finding Resourceful Silver Linings  

Perhaps one of the least-expected pandemic outcomes was the massive re-evaluation of company costs. After Covid-19 drove many companies into remote work, many business leaders asked themselves and their co-leaders whether they should be downsizing or removing their office rent expense altogether. 

Similarly, the uncertainty about the trajectory of the pandemic urged leaders to take caution with business spending and concentrate on organizational efficiency. Maybe we can skip that travel expense this year. Do we really need to spend X dollar amount on office supplies? These kinds of self-auditing practices helped many organizations prepare for the unknown future.  

To learn more, contact the Ascendis Leadership Academy to take the Organizational Leadership Skills Profile. Please contact Sue Drake at for an overview of the Profile and ways in which it may be used in your organization.