Incorporate the Organizational Leadership Skills Profile into Your Organization

Change in the workplace could be the result of quite a few factors: updated company goals & strategies, the onboarding of new colleagues/leaders, or the need for more training. Most employees understand that in the modern workplace, change happens continually. 

Our Organizational Leadership Skills Profile can determine whether the right people are in the right jobs, whether further training is required, and which employees have the potential to take on leadership roles in the future.

By starting your next generation leaders with the Organizational Leadership Skills Profile, you can help them chart a career path and recognize the following benefits in your organization:

  • increased employee satisfaction, resulting in greater productivity and higher retention rates;
  • cost savings by being able to provide targeted training that aligns with company objectives, without leaving the workplace; and
  • become a valuable resource of potential candidates for dynamic succession planning.

However, It is important to ease the transition of any kind of change into an organization. To get your young professionals engaged and ready to take the Organizational Leadership Skills Profile, consider these tips:

Preparation and Communication

Executives implementing any kind of divergence from a regular process (or a nonexistent process) should be able to communicate why there was a need for a change and also how it could potentially affect members of the company. Clear and honest discussions are encouraged so expectations are understood at the beginning of the process.  

Input and Autonomy 

An employee with autonomy during a difficult change is the most effective and open. To increase employee engagement, morale and motivation, give your staff insight as to why you are considering the addition of this learning tool. Ask them to communicate their ideas and offer their feedback to benefit the organization in the long run. An employee who bears more responsibility and ownership of their work will work harder and smarter; investing more energy and interest in their responsibilities. This helps to solidify loyalty to an organization when the employee feels his or her contributions are heard, acknowledged and making a positive impact. 

Acknowledgement of Effort 

As the Skills Profile comes into effect, positive feedback and reassurance that the change is relevant and helpful can serve as a reminder that the new goals are attainable and are also being implemented correctly. Also, it is important for learners to know where their strengths and development areas lie. From resiliency to adaptability to recognizing biases and handling risks responsibly, this self-assessment is the first step to gain clarity and build the path to hone their leadership capabilities. 

Providing sufficient, ongoing training is critical for keeping your employees engaged — and for getting buy-in for future rollouts. Workers do not want to have to re-learn their jobs each time you introduce something new, so provide customized training which allows them to implement the new solution into existing workflow with as little inconvenience as possible.

Ready to test out the Organizational Leadership Skills Profile for your leaders? Start by registering for an account here!