Making the Cultural Shift for Virtual Team Leadership Part 2

In July, we sat down for an interview with Lee Johnsen, Principal of Partners in Development, to understand how leaders can shift their perspectives to lead virtual teams. This month, we continue the discussion and pivot to making the cultural shift for organizations to continue working virtually. 

  1. Any tips for shifting communications away from emailing the masses to some other, more personal, more effective methods of communication?

Start with your team by asking people what’s working and what’s not working about their communications. This could be a good topic to start with for your Team Operating Agreement. Decide on protocols for response times to emails, e.g. Reply vs. Reply All, and email length (shorter is better). Put in the Subject Line if you are asking people to take action, quick reply, or make a decision. Provide people simple, clear direction as to what you are asking for.

  1. How can we create a transformation model to transition the manager to leader?

Organizations need both management and leadership skills to thrive. We must honor both roles. Some jobs are structured to be more management oriented. Others are focused more on those skills of leadership. That said, people often have a preference and a mindset for one role more than the other.

  1. How would you suggest we monitor our transitional progress?

An organization’s culture highly influences the roles and skills that are valued, nurtured, and rewarded. Changing an organization’s culture starts at the top and it takes concerted effort over time. HR should lead a process to align talent development strategy with business strategy including, competency modeling, talent development, succession planning and culture development.

For more education on virtual team leadership and to understand how your team members can build their virtual leadership abilities, contact the Ascendis Leadership Academy to take the Organizational Leadership Skills Profile. Please contact Sue Drake at sdrake@drakerg.comfor an overview of the Profile and ways in which it may be used in your organization.