Why eLearning is Different from Subscription Learning

As a rising professional, increasing one’s skills and having the ability to learn new information are necessary to succeed in the world of business. Luckily, there are a number of training methods that can be beneficial to learners on every level, whether they are seasoned professionals or newbies in their field. Two methods in particular, subscription-based learning and eLearning, can be used successfully to help learners retain new information when presented the correct way for the learner’s needs.

There are a few differences between eLearning and subscription learning that should be known to ensure that the learning experience for the student is as engaging and successful as possible.

  1. The length of a session varies. eLearning programs are similar to traditional classroom courses. Because of this, a trainee who is interested in an eLearning course has to be disciplined and prepared to handle a structured learning experience that can possibly run an hour or two at a time. Subscription-based experiences are different in that they provide little educational nuggets that last only a few minutes, but make a huge impact through prompts for discussions and scenario-based information. These subscription-based nuggets are often scheduled in advance, and because they only last a few minutes, they are extremely attractive to a learner who doesn’t have time to devote to a longer course.
  2. The possibilities for retention aren’t quite the same. Subscription-based learning is presented in such a way that the small bits of information given can stay fresh in the mind of a learner. This can be especially helpful for a learner who is picking up a new skill as they are already on the job. They’ll be more equipped to apply that newfound skill immediately. Because of the length and information given in a traditional eLearning course, the level of retention is different from a subscription-based course. A lengthy session in conjunction with being overloaded with information has the ability to be counterproductive to the engagement level of a learner. This isn’t true for every eLearning experience, but these courses (and any course) have to be crafted thoughtfully to ensure that content is fresh and appealing to the learner.
  3. Training curriculum is structured differently. eLearning courses offer valuable opportunities to fit in a learning experience when possible, but the structure of the process and information remain the same. This can be helpful to learners who are furthering their training for a very specific reason, but it can also be problematic for those who need a more well-rounded experience. Subscription-based learning may be better for someone who needs an immediate and well-rounded experience since it is easier to modify content in response to organizational changes or learning dynamics. This makes it a fantastic method to meet individual learning needs and provide timely and relevant information.

It’s important to know the difference between the various training methods that are available. Picking the right method for a learner could give him or her the best chance to pick up new skills easily, effectively and relevant to his or her immediate or long-term goals. Subscription-based learning and eLearning are just two methods that can be beneficial and flexible enough for the learners in your organization. Start your subscription learning journey here in the Ascendis Leadership Academy today!