Three Tips for Optimizing Your Performance as a Remote Employee

With over 25 percent of professional jobs in North America expected to be remote by the end of 2022, employers are quickly learning to navigate the nuances of the flexible work environment.

Employees, too, can learn to adapt their work habits to increase cohesion, mitigate negative outcomes, and maximize their productivity. Whether you are fully remote or a hybrid employee, the tips below will help you maximize your productivity and foster a healthy virtual workplace.

1) Make the implicit explicit with open, proactive communication

Communication is inherently different when working virtually, so creating an open, honest line of communication with managers and coworkers is critical to building trust and cohesion. In the absence of in-person, face-to-face interactions, video conferencing offers a way to reduce the feeling of isolation many remote workers report.

As an employee, selecting the right mode of communication for a given task can help avoid conflicts and increase team efficiency.


2) Practice self-discipline with productivity systems that keep you on track

For those who struggle with distractions at home, the right time management tools can help you avoid a potential pitfall of remote work. Recognizing your most common distraction sources may also help you become more self-aware and adapt your habits accordingly. According to a Statista research study, social media was the number-one distraction among work-from-home employees during the pandemic.

Setting established break times for these activities can be another strategy for maintaining focus.


3) Help establish a team upskilling plan

Effective virtual work requires shared knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of the remote work environment. If your team does not already have a training plan in place to obtain this knowledge, this may be a chance to increase team cohesion while acquiring a valuable skillset.

Setting up a recurring upskilling session may also reduce feelings of isolation and offer a team-building experience that benefits team leaders and members alike.


To learn more, contact the Ascendis Leadership Academy to take the Organizational Leadership Skills Profile. Please contact Sue Drake at for an overview of the Profile and ways in which it may be used in your organization.